National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Save Wild Salmon Campaign

Projects: Video, illustration, and graphics

Sockeye salmon were the first salmon species listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Rising water temperatures caused by climate change and the construction of four lower Snake River dams have created slow-moving, overheated waters exceeding 68°F—a lethal threshold for salmon. These dams also block salmon from reaching their spawning grounds, contributing significantly to their decline.

The first project for the Save Wild Salmon Campaign involved creating a video using 10 years of data to highlight these challenges. Designed for social media, the video featured short, impactful messages highlighted with bold fonts to convey key points effectively. The second project included six graphics for NWF’s Conservation blog, telling the story of Lonesome Larry, the only sockeye salmon to return to Redfish Lake in 1992. The story features "Little Larry," a character retracing Lonesome Larry's epic journey.

To make the story engaging, I designed inviting visuals by illustrating different salmon life stages, adding character to them, and combining these illustrations with photography that complemented the narrative, sparking curiosity and interest in the younger audience.


Illustration and Graphics


RedDot Corporation